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If you are familiar with the DC comic universe, then you know Superman. He stands tall amongst everyone - in the context of the DC universe. It is in this light that I choose to describe JavaScript. 

A recent poll by Stack Overflow revealed JavaScript as the most widely used programming language worldwide. An outstanding 70% of developers referred to it as the most important skill in their toolbox. There is hardly a problem you can’t solve with JavaScript.

This article will focus on some advanced JavaScript challenges that will help you improve your JavaScript skills, while also helping you get a hold of some fundamental concepts.

Now let’s dive right in.

What is JavaScript?

Before we learn about advanced JavaScript code challenges, we first have to understand what JavaScript is and its relationship with the browser.

By definition, JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages.

JavaScript is responsible when a web page contains and displays dynamic features such as real-time content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, etc. JavaScript, alongside HTML and CSS, forms the foundation of modern web development.

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. In other words, it is a programming language that executes within the internet browser on the end user's device. So, when the browser loads a web page containing JavaScript code, it is able to interpret, run the code, and produce information the user can see and interact with. 

Aside from the browser, you can run JavaScript on the server and on any device with a JavaScript engine. On the server side, NodeJs is one of the ways you can run JavaScript.

Later in the article, we will look into the different categories of the Javascript client side. First, let's look into the fundamentals of JavaScript.

What are the Fundamentals of JavaScript?

10 Advanced JavaScript Code Challenges
Photo by cottonbro

In order to be proficient in writing code using the JavaScript programming language, you must have a good understanding of the fundamentals. Some of the basics and fundamentals of JavaScript include:

  1. Data types
  2. Variables
  3. Switch statements
  4. Functions
  5. Arrays
  6. Loops

There are many more aspects of JavaScript to explore, but these are some key areas that we will focus on in this article. Let's briefly discuss each of these fundamental concepts.

Data Types

There are essentially eight data types, amongst which seven are primitive and one is non-primitive. A value in JavaScript is always of a specific type. Below is a list of the primitive data types:

  1. Number: The number data type represents an integer or floating-point value.
  2. Bigint: Integer values of arbitrary length fall into this category.
  3. String: A string is any value enclosed in double quotes (“ “) or single quotes (‘ ’). 
  4. Boolean: is true/false.
  5. Null: for unknown values is a standalone type that has a single value of null.
  6. Undefined for unassigned values—a standalone type that has a single value of undefined.
  7. Symbol: This is a data type for unique identifiers.

The only non-primitive data type is Object. It is a unique and special type and it is used to store more complex entities and collections of data, hence the description, non-primitive. Unlike the other data types, which are referred to as primitive because they can only contain a single item at a time, whether it be a string, number, etc.


Variables are a means of storing data or information that will be used later. We can declare variables to store data using the keywords “let”, “var”, or “const”.

The "let" keyword is a modern variable declaration that has block scope, while variables declared with the “var” keyword have function scope. Where there are variables that cannot be changed, they are declared using the “const’ keyword. It is standard practice that a variable name should have a clean, obvious meaning, describing the data that it stores. 

Switch Statement

Usually, conditional statements are used to establish rules if a particular condition is met. The two types of conditional statements include:

  1. If
  2. Else if

In scenarios requiring numerous cases, the "switch" statement is a sort of conditional statement that provides a simpler and easier option to the "if" statement. It provides a more detailed method of comparing a value with various versions.


JavaScript functions are snippets of code that are created to perform certain tasks. The function keyword is used to define a function. The syntax is as follows:

Function sum(a, b) {

      return a + b;


10 Advanced JavaScript Code Challenges
Photo by cottonbro


Arrays are data structures that keep data as individual elements in a single variable and retrieve them when needed. An array is essentially a collection of items or elements. All the elements are separated with a comma. In JavaScript, an array is represented by a pair of square brackets [ ].

An example of a simple array is:

 Let arr = [ ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ ];

Elements in an array are ordered and accessed by their index number.


Loops in JavaScript are used to execute repetitive tasks until a condition is met, which typically returns true or false. What this means is that a loop will continue the cycle of execution until the expected condition is met. There are basically three categories of loops in JavaScript:

  • while loop
  • for loop
  • do while loop

JavaScript Frameworks

Frameworks are templates that provide a foundation or skeletal structure for software applications. Frameworks make the process of working with JavaScript, easy and fast. JavaScript frameworks consist of a group of libraries that contain JavaScript code. 

Some examples of JavaScript frameworks are AngularJs, ReactJs, VueJs, etc.

How to Advance in JavaScript

The process of advancing in JavaScript requires constant practice and exploring more advanced concepts and topics. These include: 

  • Closures to Extend Variable Scope
  • Contextual Targeting of DOM Elements
  • Rendering Readable HTML
  • Hybrid Application Development
  • Using Namespaces to Prevent Conflicts

How to Solve JavaScript Code Challenges

The idea behind solving code challenges is to help you develop and master the art of problem-solving, which is an essential skill for every developer. During job interviews, some companies employ code challenges as part of the technical interview process to test the problem-solving ability of applicants. That said, a good way to improve and boost the efficiency of your code challenge solutions is to master algorithms and data structures.

However, you can get some actionable advice on how to solve code challenges efficiently. Using platforms like Leetcode and CodeWars can help you learn how to come up with solutions that put time and space complexity into consideration.

Advanced Working with Functions

We learned about some of the functions of JavaScript briefly earlier in this article. Let’s take a look at some of the more advanced functions. Examples of these are:

  • Recursion
  • Rest Parameters & Spread Operator
  • Closure and variable scope
  • The “new Function” syntax
  • Arrow Functions
  • Global Object
  • Function Binding
  • Scheduling: SetTimeOut and SetInterval
  • Function Binding

Knowledge of these advanced functions will further improve your ability to tackle difficult coding challenges and scale technical interviews. 

10 Advanced JavaScript Code Challenges

Below are ten advanced JavaScript code challenges that can supercharge your skills.

  1. Binary Calculator

In this challenge, you will be required to implement a simple calculator that performs basic mathematical operations on binary integers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  1. Template Literals

In this challenge, you will practice JavaScript template literals. Template literals are enclosed in back-tick (` `) character while traditional strings are wrapped in single or double quotes.

let text = `Hello World!`;

In JavaScript, template literals solve the problems encountered during string concatenation by introducing the idea of string interpolation and multi-line strings. Template literals usually contain a placeholder wrapped in curly braces ({}) and preceded by a dollar sign ($). For instance, `${discussion}`

  1. Bitwise Operator

In this challenge, you will be required to practice bitwise operations using bitwise operators. Don’t worry, I will explain what it is all about. Bitwise operations involve working with individual bits, which are the basic unit of data in a computing system.

A bit only has one binary value, which can be either 0 or 1. Bytes are collections of bits. JavaScript is a programming language that supports bitwise operators. What are bitwise operators?

A bitwise operator is a character that represents an action that is implemented on data at the bit size level rather than the byte size level. They work at the binary level and perform operations on bit patterns that involve bit manipulation. In contrast to common logical operators such as + and -, which work with bytes or groups of bytes, bitwise operators can check each individual bit within a byte.

Examples of some bitwise operators in JavaScript are:

  • Bitwise AND (&)
  • Bitwise OR ( | ) 
  • Bitwise XOR ( ^ )
  • Bitwise NOT ( ~ )
  • Left shift ( << )
  • Right shift ( >> )
  • Zero-fill right shift ( >>> )
  1. Regular Expressions

In this challenge, you will be required to use a regular expression to evaluate a string. Regular expressions, otherwise known as RegEx, are patterns used to match character combinations in a string. These RegEx patterns are created using basic characters we intend to match (e.g aeiou) or combinations of basic and special characters (e.g., ae\*i or (\o+)\.\u\*).

  1. Buttons Container

In this challenge, you should create a div and arrange and label a set of buttons inside it. Set the buttons up so that their labels are modified after they are clicked. 

  1. Create a Button

In this challenge, you will practice creating buttons in JavaScript and adding event listeners. Create a clickable button with an id of btn and an initial text label of 0 created with the JavaScript innerHTML property. After each click, the button should increment by one.

  1. Arrow functions

In this challenge, you will practice using the arrow function. 

  1. Inheritance

In this challenge, we practice implementing inheritance and using JavaScript prototypes to add a new method to an existing prototype.

  1. Try, Catch, and Finally

In this challenge, you will learn about strings and exceptions. This challenge will require you to work with a function called reverseString with a parameter of “str”. Complete the reverseString function, and perform the following actions:

Try utilizing the split, reverse, and join methods to reverse the string "str."

Catch any exceptions that are thrown, then print the message of the exception on a new line.

On a new line, print "str." This should be the reversed string if there was no exception thrown; otherwise, it should be the original string.

  1. Arrays

In this challenge, you will learn about arrays and iterate over them.

10 Advanced JavaScript Code Challenges
Photo by Mati Mango

How to Learn JavaScript

There are several factors to consider if you want to learn JavaScript. First, you have to decide what your goal is because your goal will help you stay focused and keep you on your toes. Then define your learning style and what you intend to build with your knowledge of JavaScript.

Depending on where you are on your development journey, I would always recommend you start with the basics before moving to the frameworks. Find more information on how to learn JavaScript from scratch.

Although there is no standard process for learning JavaScript, I would strongly recommend Microverse. An online software development school that teaches software development in a detailed and adventurous manner. Learning JavaScript with Microverse will get you to build exciting projects with some of the advanced concepts discussed in this article.

Conclusion: JavaScript Challenges

In conclusion, JavaScript is a fun language to pick up and an understanding of the advanced concepts in JavaScript can open you up to a whole new world of opportunities. Learn more about JavaScript today!

We have launched an English school for software developers. Practice speaking and lose your fear.

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